A Unique Interactive Theatrical Cosplay Party & Event
The Masquerade is a one of a kind experience – maintaining the roots of a theatrical style, interactive, themed dance event, our goal is to transport the patrons of METROCON to a whole other world and provide a night of entertainment, romance, and adventure that is truly immersive and once in a lifetime. The Masquerade takes place on the Friday Evening of METROCON. The show will consist of scenes on stage, in the crowd, and with audience members involved, and the breaks will involve dancing, interactivity, suspense, and drama. An evening at The Masquerade will feature a host of ways to meet new friends and truly make your cosplay come alive. The characters from the show will be out on the floor for the duration of the event as well to create unique memories with our fans. Dress code and interactivity details are below.
The Masquerade is a separately ticketed event in addition to a valid METROCON pass. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at-the-door, or included with VIP Upgrades.
Bring your cosplay to life and make memories that will last forever!

“Summer means festival season – and Obon means the spirits are coming alive! Be careful, though: the barrier between worlds is thin during the festival, and if you aren’t careful a relaxing festival can quickly turn into a supernatural disaster!
Especially if you’re already possessed, or aliens are trying to abduct you, or you’re a medium, or you’re already a spirit, or… or… or…”
It’s time to grab your yukata and head into the city for full blown summer matsuri vibes – this year’s Masquerade is bringing you a slice of Japanese culture with a cosplay twist! We’re paying homage to Obon, the Japanese summer holiday and festival that honors ancestor spirits and celebrates the balance between our world and the next. Every good party has a crasher – and with the spirit world so active, who knows who you might see!
The Masquerade: Obon Matsuri is inviting YOU to participate in the story, excitement, romance, and the celebration of a quintessential part of Japanese summers for over 500 years – you’ll want to dress to impress in your traditional Japanese clothing, formal festival garb, or character cosplay that would fit right in! Don’t forget – spirits, yokai, ghosts, demons, and the occasional ultraterrestrial being are always welcome at our Obon celebration!
The Masquerade takes place on Friday evening of the convention in Main Events, the West Hall of the Convention Center. Check our programming schedule for specific showtimes and days!
The goal here is not to be part of an audience, but to be part of the experience. That being said, patrons are required to wear a cosplay (yes, ANY cosplay), or to be dressed for the theme of the event. This year's theme for the event is "Obon Matsuri" - we're looking for traditional Japanese garb, like yukata, haori, hakama, kimono, etc. or cosplays that match that aesthetic - we're also encouraging spirits and yokai and demons to attend since it is an Obon festival after all! If you're ever unsure, go with a typical formal look, and you won't be out of place - take a look at the character list above and maybe get some inspiration! We are more focused on the immersive nature and interactivity than explicitly on the "formal ball/prom" requirement. We will definitely still have dance breaks, and we do still highly recommend "dressing to impress" because you never know who you might meet at The Masquerade. Any specific Dress Code questions can be sent to us via email.
First and foremost, anyone attending in cosplay will be addressed by our actors (and we encourage by other patrons as well) by the character they are dressed as. If you come to the event dressed as Deku, we want you to really put the “play” in cosplay, and be that character with us all night long – take notes on other characters’ powers, ask questions, talk about eating hair awkwardly, etc.! Our performers will be in the crowd making you and your character a part of the story, whether you’re cosplaying or wearing themed attire – you’ll be asked questions, and potentially get wrapped up in the story itself as a major influencer!
No, you don’t – but you're welcome to! We are, however, going to be enforcing the cosplay or themed attire requirement as listed above – you’re part of a living world and environment once you enter that room, and we want you to keep up the illusion! Think more “disguise”, and less “mask” when you hear the term “Masquerade”.
That is excellent. We would love to hear your suggestion, and you can send it to us via email to We can’t promise it will be played, as there is a limited amount of song slots, but the sooner you send your suggestion, the better.
The Masquerade is Rated PG-13. Keep that in mind – but otherwise, we’re a super family-friendly environment at METROCON, and we always welcome kids to events based on parental discretion that the content is appropriate for their specific kids.
That’s great! Audition information is under the "Get Involved" tab on our menu at the top of the page. Internal Show Auditions take place usually around January, with rehearsals taking place from April or May until the convention in Tampa, FL so keep that in mind. All attendees at The Masquerade are part of a living, breathing interactive environment, so even if you don't get to audition as part of our official cast, there will be plenty to see and do!